Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Quilt for Lydia

After making my patchwork quilted bag I got the idea in my head to create a quilt for my little niece Lydia. Hopefully it will be something she can keep even after she out grows it! (She isn't even 8 month old yet!).

My first thought was that it would be made of patches and of girlie colours, pinks, purples etc as well as having her name on it on 5 of the squares. So, I had to first work out what size is best to do for a child's quilt then decide what size to cut each square to, making sure that I had enough for her name to fit across it. I decided on 7 squares across by 9 down and the finished square size would be 5" (after sewing together with a 1/4 inch seam.)

Once I had cut out all of my squares, making sure that I had 7 across and nine down when laid out, I took my time laying them out on the floor in an order that I was happy with. The next step was to start sewing the squares together. I had been sort of following some videos on You Tube on how to make a baby quilt, but I added my own ideas to it too. I sewed (using my little sewing machine) the first 7 squares together, sewing 2 sets of 2 and then sewing all 7 together, constantly checking that I still had them in the right pattern. I repeated this for the following 8 rows.

Then I sewed the 9 strips of 7 together. - Tutorials on how to do this can be found on the You Tube link above (there are 4 videos in total). Once the squares were all sewn together, forming one sheet, I placed the sheet onto some quilt wadding with a big sheet of pink fabric underneath, got a whole load of pins and pinned the 3 pieces together before taking it back to the sewing machine.

I rolled and pinned the edges up to make it easier to sew each section. (Constantly stabbing pins into my hands. Ouchy) I tried to make the sections as different as possible, as I am such a novice with a sewing machine, it was a nightmare trying to get the tension right on it. In the end I used the zig zag stitches for a lot of the sections on the quilt, I liked the zig zag pattern better anyway :)

Once I had finished I then had to crop the edges of the wadding and the back pink sheet to the size of the front of the quilt.

A few close up shots...

I sewed around each cupcake by hand

The last step was adding the bias tape around the edge to complete the quilt... then I noticed how untidy the back of the quilt looked, mostly from my hand sewing around the cupcakes. I didn't want Lydia to get her little fingers caught in any loose threads, so I spent a few days sewing around each cupcake on the back too and sorting out any loose threads...

a bit ugly looking, but no little fingers can get caught in that! :)

The finished quilt 
I signed it ;)
I was pretty pleased with my finished quilt, I had my doubts half way through when I kept having issues with my sewing machine despite turning the tension dial to every tension possible, I just couldn't get it right... then I found out there was another tension option on the bobbin! And... tada!!! (After a bit of trial and error).

Lydia seemed to like the quilt, well, she tried to pull a cupcake off of it!! hehe! And her parents were pleased with it too, so happy faces all round!

It only took me a couple of months to make the quilt in the end, admittedly I spent most of my weekends making it as I had spent all my money on presents so couldn't afford to go out and socialise! :)

Lydia on her quilt :)
If you click on the pictures, you can see them a bit larger.

If anyone is interested, I got my material from ebay and Hobbycraft :)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Trying something new

I brought some pretty owl earrings the other week and really like them, so I thought I'd try a few owl-like designs out that I could maybe apply to my knitting/quilting as I have noticed a few stuffed owls that look pretty funky on the net recently.

My earrings, bit blurry as taken on my iPhone

By fongstudio: Etsy (not my work)

Owls are pretty simple creatures to draw! :) Body, eyes, beak, couple of wings and some feet if you fancy adding them! Here is my Owlie :)

 Cute isn't he? :) I thought he might need a tree to perch on or something...

Then my little kitty cat popped into my head, so I thought I'd have a pop at drawing a cat. A tabby cat might be a bit more of a challenge, so I drew a brown and a grey cat instead :)

Maybe the owl and the pussy cat can go to sea on a beautiful pea green boat? :D

Not sure what I could do with my new little friends... watch this space! ;)


How about a Christmas card Owlie and Kitty? :) <-- Thoughts please?

First Owlie© Greeting card?
First Kitty Greeting card? cats climb trees, right?

Can't do Christmas without Rudolph...

First Rudolph Greeting card?
Please excuse the 'the house of steph' watermark across all my images, I just don't want them to be nicked before I have decided if I want to do anything with them or not! lol :P